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Cacao Connection
Quick guide & Practice

A simple practice to connect with this beautiful medicine

I have put together a brief guide and practice for you to explore your relationship with this beautiful medicine Cacao and I'm super excited and grateful for sharing it with you!

This is a practice I created and that I use for my usual Cacao moment when sitting with this beautiful Medicine.

It has suggestions and guidance for that moment when you're about to enjoy your cup that come from my personal exploration that I found them to make a big difference in my experience of connecting with this Plant Medicine and ally that Cacao is

My wish is that it will inspire you and serve as a foundation for you to develop your own way to connect with this plant and receive the blessings Cacao has for you.

Feel free to share with other Cacao Lovers too!

Try it out, tune in, feel into it, listen and discover more of your connection with Cacao!


“"What's important is the intention behind what we do, why we are doing it and honoring the Spirit of the Plant"”

Nana Marina Cruz - Mayan Tz'utujil Elder

In this guide you will find

And much more.


For millennia Cacao has been used in ceremonial ways by the Mayans and Aztecs, a beautiful plant medicine that helps us return home within, guiding us into our hearts.

There’s a Mayan myth tells us that "whenever there is an imbalance between humans and nature, cacao comes from the rainforest to open people’s hearts and return the planet to a state of harmony”.  and it is through my own exploration with cacao that I get to reconfirm it again and again.

My heart deeply resonates with this, I know it to be true and It's been through my exploration with Cacao, sharing it and witness what happens that I get to reconfirm it again and again.

This guide is a contribution towards supporting us to connect with Cacao and Cacao to bless us up even more!



Gentle, Soft, Profound, Power-full. An ally that's here to support our journeys.


Cacao, Food of the gods, a powerful yet gentle medicine, a gift from the gods themselves, through the Divine Union of Mother Nature-Pachamama and Great Spirit, and the Universal Heart at the center of all that is.


A Master Plant, a sweet ally that’s here to support us, steer us back into center when we get a bit lost or confused along the way, opening our hearts, reminding us who we are, and that we are a part of all that is, not apart from it and of our roles as Earth Keepers and Wise Men and Women in these times of paradigm shifts and creating new ways of being and living on Earth.


This guide is an invitation to cultivate a relationship with this plant, in the ongoing experience of connecting with Her, discover its many landscapes, flowers, fruits, harvests, gifts, surprises, challenges, blessings, discoveries, and opportunities to grow and shine.


It’s an invitation to come forth with an open heart, curiosity and authenticity, to listen, to be present, to feel, and allow the blessing of the interbeing & connection reveal itself.


Everyone has its own way of connecting with this plant. And it's an ongoing journey! I hope this guide is inspiring in your own journey with Cacao!

This is a gift from my Heart, my service to Cacao, Pachamama and Spirit, with the intention to support your connection to this beautiful medicine, your heart and receive Her blessings.


I trust it will be inspiring for you and opening you up for other ways to connect with this beautiful medicine we Love so much.

So... get your Cacao cup ready, download the guide, get the video rolling, and enjoy!


May Cacao bless you up in many ways all-ways!




“Plant Medicines are a blessing, They are symbiotic partners with our species and catalysts for the evolution of consciousness. They have brought many people to the realization that our fundamental challenge is to reforge a partnership with Nature””

Dennis McKenna - Ethnobotanist


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Thank you Pachamama, Mother Earth, & Spirit for your Medicine and all that you give us unconditionally and so abundantly.

Thanks to the Elders of all traditions that kept and continue to keep the wisdom on how to work with these Sacred Plants and the ancient ways of Ceremony so we can remember who we are and our connection with everything, heal our hearts-body-minds and walk in beauty, in right relation with all.

Thanks Cacao and all Plant Medicines that bring us so much healing and clarity in and for our paths.

Gracias! Gracias! Gracias!

Maltiox! Maltiox! Maltiox!

Suksma! Suksma! Suksma!



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